VBS 2024 Registration is here!

How Do I Register?

  1.  Print out the form using the link above.
  2.  Fill out the last 3 pages of the form with the proper information.
  3.  Bring the form and payment to us in-person (Toronto Mandarin Chinese Community Church, 2230 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, ON M1T 2M2) on any of the following dates at 12pm: March 24th, March 31st for early bird registration or April 21st for regular registration. Payment can be made either through cash or cheque.
  4.  You’re all set! We hope to see you in July!


Anyone ENTERING SK- Grade 8 in September of 2024


Fun memories of ENERGETIC singing, CREATIVE crafts, INTERACTIVE Bible lessons, SPECIAL workshops, and FRIENDS!


Toronto Mandarin Chinese Community Church
2230 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, ON M1T 2M2


3 weeks, from July 8-26, 2024

Camp Hours

Camp: 9:00-5:00


For children to come to know Jesus Christ, and to glorify God while having fun!

How Much?

Early Bird Registration (March 24th & March 31st): $350

Regular Admission (April 21st): $400

There is an additional $30 off per sibling. (2 siblings is $400+$370=$770)